Heating Equipment

The heating equipment heats the water for the system. There are many brands available and this is constantly expanding. We select the brands we use based on reliability, cost, supplier support and evidence of “independent testing”. With any mechanical system, breakdowns cause frustration to all those involved. We select equipment and design systems to minimize the likelihood of frustration. Our standard range of heating equipment is categorized by the energy source used. Within each category, there is usually a “standard” efficiency and the higher efficiency “upgrade” option. If required, we source heating equipment for special applications.
Energy SourceHeating EquipmentDescription(% efficient)Output Range
GasRadiant RS24Space heating 94%0 to 24kW
GasRadiant R1K18Condensing Space Heating 106%0 to 18kW
GasRadiant R1K25Condensing Space Heating 106%0 to 25kW
GasRadiant R1K24BCondensing Space Heating DHW 106%0 to 24kW
GasRadiant R1K34BCondensing Space Heating DHW 106%0 to 34kW
GasRadiant R2K34Condensing Space Heating DHW Combi boiler 106%0 to 34kW
ElectricityEcotermal Electric boilerElectric Boiler0 to 24kW
ElectricityHeat Pump Emmeti -8kW to 17kW outputsAir to water heat pumps offer between 3 and 5kW of heat for each 1kW of electricity used. Located outside0 to 17kW
DieselDomusa EV25ACCondensing boiler 106% efficient29kW
Diesel or WoodDomusa GranadaBurns wood or diesel23 – 40kW

Solid fuel, (wood or pellets) solar or ground source heat can be considered and we can help ascertain if these are right for you.

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Coopers Cylinder by Rinnai

The Coopers Hot Water Cylinder is manufactured in the U.K. using top grade 2304 stainless steel and exceptionally good insulation. The cylinder has a heat exchange coil, 3kW back up element for hot water production in case of an interruption to the gas supply and a 20 year limited warranty. With the addition of a second coil, the cylinder can be configured to use multiple energy sources. Say gas and solar, electricity and wood.

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Laser Plumbing Wellington East purchased Radiant Heating in 2019.

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